Today marks six months until the 2020 March for Life!
On January 24, 2020 we will march for life in Washington, D.C.
This is what first-time marcher Bridgette had to say this past January:
“I went to the March for Life the first time this year and it was so EMPOWERING! For the first time in my life, I was completely surrounded by passionate people of all ages and from all backgrounds who truly believe in the innate dignity of human life in all stages and forms! It was a relief to know that I am not alone in my beliefs and helped give me the courage to stand up for them!”
If you have never been to the March for Life, will you join us in 2020?
Take it from Bridgette that the experience will impact you in many ways, inspiring you to be a stronger, more educated, and more courageous advocate for the unborn.
Whether the 2020 March for Life is your first time, or your 20th, we need every pro-life American to join us on January 24, 2020!
We must be a voice for the over 60 million unborn lives who have been lost to abortion. We must be a voice for women and families scarred by abortion. We must be a voice to call for an end to abortion extremism in our country.
We hope you will join us and invite others – you can share the graphic below on social media!
RSVP for the 2020 March for Life HERE!