10:00 am – Pre-rally Concert
11:00 am – Rally at Capitol
12:00 pm – Michigan March for Life
Why you should attend
It is with great excitement that we are announcing the 2023 Michigan March for Life, scheduled for November 8 in Lansing!
This is an excellent opportunity for advocates of life of all ages and political persuasions from across the state to join with one voice on behalf of the defenseless! This rally and march are suited for all levels of experience and comfort with advocacy.
Be sure to check back soon for more details and updates.
Frequently asked questions
Why March on November 8, 2023
The rally (11 AM) and march (12 noon) will take place on Wednesday, November 8th, because both the Michigan House and Senate will be in session in Lansing- but more than that, because it is the anniversary of the passing of the brutal, dehumanizing Proposition 3. After we have seen a wave of exciting pro-life legislation across the states, now is a great time to continue the momentum and show our state lawmakers support for protecting the sanctity of life in Michigan.
What is the Schedule of Events
- 11:00 am – Rally
- 12:00 pm – March for Life
Where is the Rally
The Rally will take place at 11 AM on the front steps of the State Capitol Building. The address is 100 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI. Here is the map of rally site and march route
Who Will Speak at the Rally
Speakers are listed below on this page!
What is the March Route
CLICK HERE to view a map of the March route.
Is Registration Required
All are welcome to attend and no advanced registration is required. The Michigan March for Life is a public event that is open to all pro-life Michiganders. While registration is not required, you can sign up HERE for updates to be delivered to your email.
Will Signs be Provided
We encourage you to be creative and bring your own signs! It is likely that many groups will have signs available as well. You can find additional sign ideas HERE.
Where Can I Find Promotional Materials
We have provided helpful graphics links here!
Can I Find a Bus from my Area
There are many groups from across Michigan who are bringing buses to this event. Click here to see if there is a group going from your area. If there is, please email the listed POC to be connected with that bus.
We will be adding bus information to this page as they are scheduled. Check back to find out if a bus is coming to Lansing from your area. If you have a bus coming that you would like to be listed, please fill out this form to share that information with us!
If you are bringing a bus but do not want us to list it, please email [email protected]
Where is the Bus Drop Off
We will have information about bus drop off for you soon!
Where Can the Bus Park
Registered bus captains have been notified where to park, if you have questions, contact: [email protected]
What If I'm Driving Myself
Please see this map for parking options in Michigan for individual drivers!
Where Can I Use the Restroom During the Event
Port-o-pots will be available on site at the rally.
How Can I Get to the Rally from the Parking Lot
Linked here is a map of the parking sites for individuals and the walking distance to the capitol.
What else is happening for the Michigan March for Life
Mass for Life at Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (St. Mary Cathedral)
When: 9:30 a.m.
Location: 219 Seymour Ave., Lansing, MI 48933
Space is limited, registration is required:
Will I see my Michigan Legislator There
We strongly encourage you to connect with your State Senator and State Representative before or after the rally and march. Each has an office in the Capitol that you can visit. You can call their office in advance to invite them to the rally and to schedule a time to visit. You may also drop by their offices without an appointment to let them know you were here.

Barb Listing
President, Right to Life of Michigan

Most Rev. Earl Boyea
Bishop of the Diocese of Lansing

Pastor Chris Brooks
Senior Pastor, Woodside Bible Church

Genecia Davis
YouTuber, Influencer, "Post-Abortion Coach"

Rep. Jaime Greene
Michigan House of Representatives (District 65)

State Senator Thomas Albert
Michigan State Senate (District 16)

Missy Parker Miller
Advocate for Life

Jeanne Mancini
March for Life, President

Chuck Gaidica
Radio and Podcast Host

Chris Kolomjec
Knights of Columbus State Deputy

Dr. Michelle Monticello


Michigan State Council

Diocese of Kalamazoo

Here are a few ways you can help out.
Promote this event on social media and in your community by using the hashtags #WhyWeMarch and #MIMarchForLife.
Becoming a participating organizations by filling out this form and submitting it to this email address.
Reach Out
If you have a specific question, contact the Michigan March for Life.