The Pro-Life Movement is on the March

Do you ever feel like you are alone in your pro-life beliefs?
Or that the pro-life movement can’t compete with the powerful and well-funded abortion lobby?
The truth is – you are not alone in standing for life.
And the cause of life – despite Hollywood, the media, the abortion lobby, and extreme pro-abortion politicians – is gaining ground.
In a powerful op-ed for the Washington Examiner, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini writes about the pro-life awakening in our country, as more and more Americans are identifying as pro-life.
Check out the full op-ed, “Despite the celebs and the big money, Americans are trending pro-life,” to read what she attributes this shift to.
Jeanne concludes with “Americans love and respect life, which was freely given to all of us, and which we must safeguard for those who cannot protect themselves.”
That is what we seek to do at the March for Life each and every day – to be a voice for those who cannot protect themselves.