Guest blog post by Sean Maquire, President of Liberty Law Students for Life and Mia Yugo, Vice President of Law Students for Life
On January 22, 1973, the highest court in the land held that abortion was a woman’s “right.” Thus far, over fifty-five million children have been legally aborted as a result of that fateful decision forty-one years ago. Fifty-five million voices silenced before ever uttering a sound.
Liberty University School of Law Students for Life stands for the right to life and defends all life, not just the lives of the young, the strong, and the able-bodied. We firmly believe that all human life is valuable and deserves to be protected. Every life is a gift and must be respected.
Today, those who receive a poor prenatal diagnosis are more-likely-than-not to be legally aborted. This country allows the abortion of any child with a “fetal abnormality.” Although the law protects people with abnormalities after they are born, it fails to do so prior to birth. Law Students for Life is honored to lead the March for Life this January in support of the principle that the law must protect all people – including those who have not yet been born.
The decisions that steered this nation away from the culture of life were rendered long before we were born. Yet, the consequences of abortion continue to impact every generation. There are empty places in our hearts for siblings, friends, cousins, nephews, and nieces who were never born. We see the pain on a woman’s face – the remorse in her eyes – when she remembers the child she never met because she chose to end an innocent life. We cry with men whose girlfriends abort their child while they stand powerless to prevent it. That is the state of our laws.
We are not silent as this pain and destruction of humanity continues. We stand to tell all three branches of our government that the People, the sovereign of this land, oppose the slaughter of innocent life. We march to declare that this evil must be stopped, that all life must be respected at every stage of development, and that this nation must return to its founding principles of life and liberty.
It is a great honor to be able to lead the 42nd Annual March for Life this January. We look forward to being a part of the great awakening of the 21st century. To that end, we will lend our voices to those in the legal community declaring that these decisions must be overturned.
Throughout the year, we have been busy making preparations to lead the March. We have raised money by hosting spaghetti and teriyaki lunches in order to charter a bus to the March. We have been praying for a burning passion in our hearts to see abortion end. We have been preparing as legal students, so that we can employ our skills to help bring about this change in the law. Our excitement is building as we prepare to drive up to Washington, D.C. to join the March for Life.
Life is not a choice. It is a right. Abortion is not a mere procedure. It is the destruction of innocent human life and the first step towards the abyss. As all histories have shown, the flame of every society that thinks otherwise is inevitably extinguished. We are a new generation of attorneys ready to call things by their real names, not by euphemisms created to cloud the truth and advance political agendas. If you support life, march with us in January.