Women’s Equality Begins in the Womb

Happy Women’s Equality Day! Today we honor all of the women who have raised us, have gone before us, have worked alongside us, and have encouraged us along the way. As a women-led organization at the forefront of a woman-filled pro-life movement, we are constantly in awe of what passionate women can achieve.
At the March for Life, we also know that Equality Begins in the Womb, as last year’s March for Life theme proudly stated. At a time when equality is at the forefront of the national discussion, unborn children in the womb are often left out of the debate.
The littlest ones—including the littlest women—are overlooked simply because they cannot speak for themselves. Knowing this grave injustice, the important role of defending the unborn and confirming their humanity falls to us.
This Women’s Equality Day, join us in fighting for the equality of all women—especially the millions of women killed in the womb each year. Let us fight for their protection by supporting women facing unexpected pregnancies, donating to pregnancy resource centers, or volunteering our time to mothers in need.
Friend, equality is not a concept that only applies to certain groups of people. Equality belongs to everyone and it begins in the womb.
Today, kindly join me in a prayer of gratitude for the many wonderful women in our lives!