The Truth about Pro-Life Women

The media pretends that women who are pro-life do not exist. But we do. Just take a look at the tens of thousands of young women who attend the March for Life!
>>>>Check out our album of portraits of women marching for life!
International Women’s Day may be coming to a close, but we are thankful for the strong, brave women who stand for life…
Posted by The March for Life on Tuesday, March 8, 2016
In fact, a recent Marist poll revealed that 82% of women would restrict abortion to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy.
Furthermore, 79 percent of women say that laws can protect both a mother and her unborn child, and a majority of women (56%) agree that abortion ultimately does a woman more harm than good.
Despite the media narrative, it appears that a majority of women believe that being pro-life and pro-woman go hand-in-hand!
>>>> Read more about the 2016 March for Life theme, “Pro-Life and Pro-Woman Go Hand in Hand.”
During Women’s History Month, it’s especially important to not only recognize pro-life women, but to remember that the leaders in the movement for women’s rights in the United States also believed that abortion was bad for women.
Among others, these women include Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Alice Paul, who said “abortion is the greatest exploitation of women.”
Will you help us counter the media and Hollywood’s bias, and the join the March for Life in proclaiming that to be pro-life IS pro-woman?
Will you take the opportunity during Women’s History Month to set the record straight on the pro-life and women’s rights movements – that being pro-life and pro-woman go hand in hand?
Read it, sign it, share it, and live it out!
By signing the pledge, we will keep you updated on ways that you fight for and serve women and babies all year long.
Thank you!