March for Life Praises Senate Title X CRA Vote

“Today the Senate voted to restore the freedom of the states to redirect funds away from abortion clinics to other health care providers under the Title X program, a taxpayer-funded program for low-income women. We applaud both the House and Senate, specifically Congressman Diane Black (R-TN) and Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) for leading the efforts, for voting in favor of states’ freedom to choose Title X providers, and in particular we thank the tie-breaker, Vice-President Mike Pence. The Obama Administration rule that trampled on states’ right to choose Title X providers and exclude abortion providers like Planned Parenthood was bad policy.
“A majority of Americans (61 percent) oppose the use of tax dollars to fund abortions. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in our nation, performing over 320,000 abortions every single year. In the wake of the latest video released yesterday by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood’s lack of respect for the inherent dignity of human life, funds should be redirected away from Planned Parenthood to better serve women and their health care needs. We look forward to working with Congress to reallocate Planned Parenthood funds through the reconciliation process to community health centers which outnumber abortion clinics by 20:1, have better oversight, and provide a full range of health services.”
– Jeanne Mancini, March for Life President