This is what an OB/GYN thinks about late-term abortions…

Conversations about abortion, especially late-term abortions, are often clouded by misinformation and euphemisms. To get a clearer sense of the scientific facts related to prenatal development and abortion, our staff member, Katrina Gallic, spoke with Dr. Ingrid Skop, a doctor with the American Association for Pro-life OBGYNs (AAPLOG).
How were the terms “first, second, and third trimester” developed?
Can unborn babies feel pain?
Is abortion ever medically necessary?
How do medical and technological advances affect people’s perception of abortion?
Why did you decide to become a pro-life advocate?
If you are interested in learning more about the scientific support for the pro-life movement, register for our 2019 March for Life Conference. The conference will bring together leading experts on the topic of science and the pro-life movement; you will not want to miss it!
Register for the 2019 March for Life Conference here: