The Unsung Heroes of Mother’s Day

As the May flowers come to life and Mother’s Day rolls around, let’s remember to honor the unsung heroes of the holiday – birthmoms.
Every year, 20,000 domestic infant adoptions in the U.S. occur. Tragically, contrast that with over 1.2 million abortions in the U.S. annually. Every abortion statistic represents a life, full of potential and hope, which was snuffed out.
However, thousands of women each year, when faced with an unexpected pregnancy choose to make an adoption plan. By choosing life, birthmoms make the choice to change the world forever through the life of a child. What would the world be like if Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, and Eleanor Roosevelt, all whom were adopted, had never been given a chance at life?
At this year’s March for Life, under the theme “Adoption: A Noble Decision,” Molly Anne Dutton shared how her birthmom was the victim of sexual assault and faced an ultimatum from her husband to abort. However, she found her way to Lifeline Child Services in Birmingham, Alabama and made an adoption plan for Molly Anne. This beautiful and courageous young woman would not be here today without the decision of her birthmom! Another one of our speakers, Ryan Dobson of Family Talk Radio, had a similar story of owing his life to a brave birthmom. You can watch his story below:
Studies have shown that many mothers fear that by placing her baby for adoption, she is a “bad mother;” she fears that she is abandoning her child. In reality, adoption is a heroic decision! It is a decision that is not right for everyone, however, when chosen it is noble and generous. Additionally, there are approximately 500,000 loving couples in the United States waiting to adopt. The truth is that adoption is the most heroic thing that a mother, who is not ready to care for a child, can do!
When a mother chooses adoption over abortion, birthmom, adoptive parents, and the baby all benefit tremendously from her decision! Adoption is not abandonment, but a beautiful opportunity for a happy future.
Be sure to check out the many fantastic resources available to women who are facing an unexpected pregnancy or are considering making an adoption plan, and join us on Friday, May 9 to cherish and celebrate the women who make the noble decision to become a birthmom and choose adoption.