A young woman recently shared with the world that she feels “in awe of the fact that I can make a life.” However, what she chose to do about the unexpected blessing of a child is heart wrenching – she chose to have her baby aborted AND to film the procedure for the entire Internet to see. (Note – the video does not actually show her abortion. It mostly consists of her talking to the camera before and after the procedure, and during the procedure – only shows her face; thus, not truly capturing what was happening.)
Ironically, while this video was surfacing, the March for Life ran a social media campaign celebrating birth moms, with countless women sharing how they were either eternally grateful for the birth moms of their adopted children, or that they were glad they had chosen to be a birth mom.
It’s easy to be angry with this young woman, but we must show her love and grace and pray that she will see the error of her ways. Commentaries from all sides of the spectrum have analyzed Emily Letts and her video, the purpose of which she says is to show that there is “such thing as a positive abortion video.” Here is just a sampling of articles that we recommend:
‘I feel super great about having an abortion’ – The culture of death goes viral
Pro-life community responds to Emily Letts’ video of aborting her own child
My abortion story, an open letter to Emily Letts
Woman films her own abortion to show the world how ‘cool it is’
Rather than adding to that list for now, we want to make a stark contrast with Ms. Letts’ mentality and the message. Abortion harms women. Every year, the March for Life highlights the women from Silent No More, the campaign to make the public aware of the devastation that abortion brings to women. Our Silent No More speaker this year, Nicole Peck, said this about the abortion facility she visited – “They took my money, my baby, and my self-respect.”
These women bravely share the pain and regret they’ve experienced – often for years or decades – after an abortion. Watch the brief clip of Nicole’s full remarks:
The good news is – there is hope! Silent No More offers resources and helps women (and men) connect with a program in their area. Furthermore, last year we wrote about post-abortive ministries and provided information about Project Rachel, and Post Abortion Peer Counseling and Education.
Let’s continue to work to set the record straight on abortion and the devastation it brings to mother and child. And as we do so, let’s continue to “love them both.”