Rescheduling the May 18, 2020 Pennsylvania March for Life

The sponsors of the Pennsylvania March for Life, out fo concern for the health of those planning to attend, and in line with the guidance of public health officials and Capitol authorities, are today announcing the postponement of the Pennsylvania March for Life, originally set for Monday, May 18, 2020.
We greatly appreciate the wonderful excitement we’ve witnessed in planning for the first-ever Pennsylvania March for Life, and the desire of many thousands to join together in making a public stand in support of the sanctity of life. Thank you!
Thank you as well to those who are working hard to make sure Pennsylvanians from every corner and county of our state will be represented in big numbers at the rally and march.
Understandably, many will be disappointed with this postponement, but even now we are looking to confirm a date for this fall. With you, we are committed to ensuring that Pennsylvania’s pro-life voice will be heard by the Governor, our General Assembly, and other elected officials.
So, please continue to check the website at for regular updates, the announcement of the new date, and ways you can help spread the word and plan to attend.
We look forward to joining with you as we stand for the sanctity of all human life from conception until natural death – towards our goal of making abortion unthinkable.
March for Life Education & Defense Fund
Pennsylvania Catholic Conference
Pennsylvania Family Institute