Pro-Life Priorities in the New Congress

During the election season, abortion was one of the top two most searched topics on Google. Americans were very interested in what the candidates were saying about abortion. Ultimately, the most pro-abortion presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost resoundingly.
>>>> Read Jeanne Mancini’s op-ed, Abortion lobby lost big this election — life is a winning issue.
While the elections are now over, our most important work as pro-life advocates is now beginning.
Last week, the 115th Congress was sworn in. The new Congress presents the pro-life movement with many opportunities to pass pro-life legislation and advance a culture of life.
Our pro-life priorities for 2017 include:
- No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act, codifying the Hyde amendment and federal funding of abortion.
- Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, restricting abortion after 5 months of pregnancy, at which point babies can feel pain.
- Legislation defunding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.
- Ensuring that legislation that replaces Obamacare is pro-life with strong conscience protections.
- Confirming judges that will uphold the U.S. Constitution.
>>>> See March for Life Action’s announcement on a comprehensive pro-life congressional scorecard.
Already, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has indicated the legislation defunding Planned Parenthood will be a priority.
That is great news!
Planned Parenthood is our nation’s largest abortion provider, aborting over 320,000 babies every year. Plus, the organization has been caught trafficking aborted babies’ hearts, lungs, livers and brains.
Americans shouldn’t be forced to fund Planned Parenthood, to the tune of half a billion tax dollars each year. That federal funding should be redirected to trusted health providers, not given to the abortion industry.
>>>> Check out
Abortion advocates have indicated they will be putting up a fight to protect Planned Parenthood funding. Just yesterday, we were bombarded with scores of nasty messages after tweeting out the following:
Now more than ever, pro-life Americans must speak up. Not only through social media, but it is imperative that our Congressman and Senators hear directly from us that defunding Planned Parenthood and protecting unborn lives is a priority for the new Congress and new Administration.
>>> Click HERE to send a message to your representatives!
America has a pro-life consensus, and we must urge our lawmakers to be bold on life!