Press Release
CONTACT: Tom McClusky (571-289-2024)
President Obama and the State of the Union: What He Should Have Said
WASHINGTON, D.C. Tonight President Barack Obama gave his State of the Union address. March for Life President Jeanne Monahan reacts to his speech:
“President Obama’s State of the Union address tonight was a disappointment to any American who believes in the dignity of the human person Instead of embracing a pro-life message that empowers women and is reflective of the majority of Americans –as was evident in the hundreds of thousands of dedicated pro-life participants in the March for life in Washington just last week– this President still opposes the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. The act, which the House of Representative passed earlier today in a bipartisan vote, prevents taxpayers’ dollars from supporting the abortion business. A January 2010 Quinnipiac University Poll showed that 67% of respondents opposed federal funding of abortion.
“As for the pressing issue of conscience rights, the President was silent. His own mandate which forces groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor and the March for Life Education and Defense Fund to cover abortion inducing drugs and devices is currently in front of various courts across the nation, including the United States Supreme Court.
“Forcing a group of Catholic nuns to be complicit in the purchase of abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations is the antithesis of ‘empowering women.’ No American should be forced into that situation. Recent polling shows a large majority of Americans do not agree with the President; at least 59 percent oppose this anti-conscience mandate.