Why Are Pregnancy Centers Under Attack?


All across the country, pro-life pregnancy centers are the embodiment of organizations and individuals that live out the 2018 March for Life theme, “Love Saves Lives.”

Unfortunately, a California law is attempting to force pregnancy centers in that state to violate their beliefs by advertising for abortion. The National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA), an organization with over 130 non-profit pro-life pregnancy center members in California, has challenged this law all the way to our nation’s highest court.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in this critically important free speech case for pro-life pregnancy centers in NIFLA v Becerra.

The First Amendment protects free speech. It is unconstitutional for the government to force pregnancy centers to promote a message that conflicts with their conscience and beliefs. The Supreme Court must invalidate this California law and protect freedom of speech across our country.

Tuesday morning, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini will be speaking at a rally in support of NIFLA and the life-saving work of pregnancy centers all across the nation in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. You can watch the event HERE.

If the California law is upheld by the Supreme Court, the effect on pregnancy centers in California would be chilling. California is also known to export its legislative agenda to other states, so that pregnancy centers could be under further attack in states that attempt to adopt the California law.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Pray – Pray for wisdom for the Supreme Court Justices, for NIFLA and their attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, and for pregnancy centers in California across the country.
  2. Attend the Rally – If you able to come to D.C. for the rally, please join us for an overwhelming show of support for NIFLA. If you cannot attend, watch and share the Facebook Livestream.
  3. Share your support – Pregnancy Centers serve women and babies all across the nation, yet they are always under attack by pro-abortion forces. Help us counter the pro-abortion narrative by sharing this message on social media:

“I stand with @NIFLA, the pro-life pregnancy centers of CA, and the mothers they serve. #GiveFreeSpeechLife”

Thank you for your interest in this critically important pro-life free speech case. To learn more about pregnancy centers and the NIFLA case, take a few minutes to watch this powerful video from Alliance Defending Freedom.

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