NFL Players and Family Speaking out for Life

Over the past few years, the March for Life has been blessed to have the support of several individuals affiliated with the NFL.
Former Baltimore Ravens center Matt Birk spoke at the 2018 March for Life, joined by his wife Adrianna and their children. Matt and Adrianna are living examples of the 2018 theme, “Love Saves Lives.”
We’re excited to have @BirkMatt at the 2018 #MarchforLife! Adoption has changed his family’s life because #LoveSavesLives. #WhyWeMarch
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) January 16, 2018
In his March for Life remarks, Matt reminded us of the importance of compassion in our work to end abortion, and how to offer loving encouragement to anyone considering abortion.
“It’s important to remember that those who are pro-abortion, the war is not against them, it’s against the evil of abortion, that those people, they are our brothers and sisters. They are children of God. They are made in His likeness.”
“What is more beautiful than a brand new baby? A brand new baby is perfect. It looks perfect. It sounds perfect. It smells perfect. It’s pure, it’s incapable of resentment, or hatred, or anger. It’s perfect. So I would tell someone that I care about, I’d say I don’t want you to have an abortion, because it would prevent you from experiencing the fullness of joy that God has for your life.”
Pam Tebow, mother of NFL and MLB athlete Tim Tebow, also joined us at both the 2018 March for Life as well as the Rose Dinner that evening.
Pam Tebow, Mother @TimTebow, telling the story of Tim’s miracle birth! #whywemarch #MarchForLife #LoveSavesLives
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) January 19, 2018
“I was told to abort immediately or else I would die.” – Pam Tebow, describing her pregnancy with her son Tim Tebow. #WhyWeMarch #MarchForLife
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) January 20, 2018
She shared the courageous and miraculous story of Tim Tebow’s birth:
“When Timmy entered the world he (the doctor) said, “This is a miracle baby”. He said, “I’ve never witnessed such a miracle”, because only a tiny piece of the placenta was intact. He was somewhat malnourished though, so we asked all of our family and friends in the states to pray that he would grow big and strong, and if you’ve seen him lately, you’ll know God answered those prayers.”
Pam Tebow also referenced the Super Bowl ad she and Tim featured in several years ago, produced by Focus on the Family. A Barna Group survery estimated that 5.5. million people rethought their position on abortion because of that commercial, including one woman who chose life over abortion after seeing it. Stories of love and sacrifice can truly change lives!
At March for Life, Pam Tebow Recounts How Super Bowl Ad Saved Baby’s Life @Streamdotorg #MarchforLife #WhyWeMarch
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) January 23, 2018
And at the 2017 March for Life, Baltimore Raven’s Tight End Benjamin Watson had a powerful message for the crowd, particularly men.
“We need to be the leaders, caretakers, and providers that we were meant to be. We as men must stand up for the lives of the innocent and their mothers in crisis.”
Watson hints at a very important point. When a woman faces an unexpected pregnancy, she is more likely to choose life IF she has the support and encouragement of even just one person.
In fact, research from the umbrella Pregnancy Center group, Care Net, finds that “the father of the baby is (by far) the most influential factor in a mother’s decision to keep or abort her child. Sadly, so many fathers either push the mother to abort or leave the decision to her, essentially stepping away from their responsibility.”
Watson ends with an encouraging note in his exhortation:
“Even if it wasn’t demonstrated to you by a father, you can be different. You can change the course of generations.”
Each of us has our own sphere of influence to impact others – whether it is one person or a group of people – to choose life and to end “the unthinkable practice of abortion in the United States of America.”
We can all take inspiration from these influential individuals and their passion and commitment to life!