Keep Calm and March for Life

“Keep Calm and Carry On” and its many iterations have become ubiquitous across the Internet and our culture.  I’ll admit, some of them I don’t really get.  Don’t get me wrong, I love cupcakes, but “Keep Calm and Cupcake on?”

We’ve become accustomed to so many different versions, that the origins of “Keep Calm and Carry On” have been diminished.  So here’s a quick history lesson – in 1939, leading up to World War II, the slogan was the third in a series of three motivational posters intended to encourage and raise the morale of the British people faced with the threat of looming air attacks on major British cities.  The poster reemerged in 2000 when it was discovered in a box of used books bought at an auction by a bookstore owner.

If you follow the news and our culture, you’re aware of the good news and bad news.  Around Thanksgiving, the March for Life blog highlighted many developments
pro-lifers can be thankful for this year.  As we’ve also noted on our blog, state legislatures have taken the lead in passing life affirming measures: 69 in 2013, 38 in 2012, and 70 in 2011.  And while the country did see a decrease in the number and rate of abortions in the latest CDC data for 2010 from the prior year, we know that any abortion is one too many.  There is A LOT of work that needs to be done.

While it may be tempting to throw in the towel with our culture at times, we must redouble our efforts this year in working to protect each and every unborn child and in fostering a culture that embraces life.  As we recognize Sanctity of Human Life month, we want to encourage you to “Keep Calm and March for Life.”  Participating in the March for Life is one way of making your voice heard.  On January 22, whether you are in Washington, D.C. for the March for Life, or supporting the Marchers from home, stay steadfast in your support of life. 

You’ll be hearing more from us in the coming months as we seek to inspire, educate, and equip you to make a difference for life in your community.  We want you to “march on” from D.C. back to your homes, communities, churches, and schools and make an impact.  And don’t forget you can be a positive influence to your friends and family through social media!  Be sure to participate in the “Why We March” social media campaign in the next few weeks, and stay tuned for more announcements.  And above all, “Keep Calm and March for Life.”  

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