Jeanne Mancini Op-Ed in The Hill
March for Life President Jeanne Mancini had an op-ed published in The Hill entitled, “Christian voters left wanting in Trump vs Clinton.” In it, she writes of the extreme nature of the abortion policies in the Democrat Party’s platform.
But perhaps most surprisingly, the Democratic Party is calling for a repeal of the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding regulation that prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion except in limited cases such as rape and incest. The Hyde amendment is strongly favorable with the American people; 68% of Americans, including 69% of women and 51% of pro-choice supporters, oppose the use of public funds for abortion. And even many pro-choice Democrats are in favor of Hyde as well, including Democratic vice presidential running mate Sen. Tim Kaine. Pro-life Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin from West Virginia had this to say when told of the Hyde platform plans, “That’s crazy. It’s something that I know most of the Democrats in West Virginia and most West Virginians would not agree with. I don’t either.” Despite this, the Democratic Committee is intent upon the inclusion of repealing the Hyde Amendment, as this would open up the floodgates of the availability of abortion.