Happy Birthday Dr. Dobson – Love, the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado

Today, April 21, is Dr. Jim Dobson’s birthday.  While I neglected to get him anything a federal court in Colorado gave him a reprieve in his case against the Obama Administration’s oppressive abortifacient mandate.  The Christian Post has more . . .


“Family Talk and Dr. Dobson state credibly and cogently that providing the coverage required by the Mandate would violate their religious beliefs and execution and delivery of the Exemption Form, the EBSA Form 700 – Certification, which effectively exempts Family Talk from the Mandate, also would violate their sincerely held religious beliefs,” the judge said in the order.


The order stated that “there is a substantial likelihood that” Dobson and his ministry can show that the mandate constitutes “a substantial burden on the exercise of their religion.” “Contrastingly, the government has not shown that this substantial burden is reasonably necessary to further a compelling governmental interest.”


The lawsuit was filed in December by Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, and it claims that the Department of Health and Human Services’ mandate violates the First Amendment as well as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, as it forces Dobson and his Christian ministry to offer coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, such as Plan B or Ella, or devices that could result in the destruction of an embryo in violation of their religious convictions.


Dr. James Dobson provides sound biblical advice on Christian marriages, families and parenting through the ministry of Family Talk’s radio program.   To reduce Dr. Dobson to one organization though does him a disservice, as he has been somewhat of a “Johnny Appleseed” of the pro-family movement. 


In his work with multiple family organizations he has had more impact on the social conservative movement in the United States than any other leader.  In 1977 he founded Focus on the Family and from that perch helped create other organizations such as Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Research Council.   Dr. Dobson and his equally devout wife, Shirley, have two children, Danae and Ryan.  Ryan Dobson (born in California in 1970), who graduated from Biola University in La Mirada, California, is a public speaker, specializing on issues relating to youth and the pro-life movement. He was adopted by the Dobsons and is an ardent supporter of adoption, especially adoption of troubled children.   Both Dr. Dobson and his son Ryan were featured speakers at the 2014 March for Life.


Please join the March for Life in wishing Dr. Dobson @DrJamesCDobson  a very happy birthday!


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