Down Syndrome Awareness Month
The news out of Iceland that 100% of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted is still fresh in our minds and raw in our hearts.
The sad truth of the matter is that Iceland is not preventing or eradicating anything but rather terminating nearly 100% of their babies who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome.
In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, yesterday, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini talked with Dr. John Bruchalski, founder of Divine Mercy Care in Fairfax, Virginia about this tragedy.
“The high termination rate for babies with #Downsyndrome is not about “eliminating a disease,” it’s eliminating a group of people.”
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) October 10, 2017
During the Facebook Live session, Dr. Bruchaski and Will Waldron, Executive Director of Divine Mercy Care, also shared about an upcoming free lecture that the center is hosting, “Down Syndrome as a Pro-Life Cause.” The lecture will feature Madame Birthe Lejeune, wife of the renowned French physician and geneticist, Dr. Jerome Lejeune. Dr. Lejeune is credited with discovering the chromosomal cause of Down Syndrome. He devoted his life to promoting the dignity of individuals with Down Syndrome and opposing abortion for fetal abnormalities like Down Syndrome.
If you are in the Washington, D.C. area and are interested in attending the event, click HERE for more information.
You can watch the full Facebook Live discussion below: