Celebrating Birth Mothers

“Because of the courage of my birth mom, I’m able to be all the things I am today.”
These are the words of Ryan Bomberger, whose birth mother courageously placed him for adoption decades ago. The nobility of birth mothers, like Ryan’s, is one of the most beautiful illustrations of how love saves lives.
Today Ryan is a brother, husband, father, and an inspiring pro-life activist. The self-sacrificial love of his birth mother saved his life, and impacted so many others.
>>>> Watch Ryan share more about his story at the March for Life Conference.
Countless lives and even society and culture itself are impacted because of the courage of birth mothers. For example, did you know that Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers, was adopted as infant?
Birth mother and adoption advocate Callie Jett describes the mindset of birth moms beautifully in a March for Life guest blog post entitled “What You Really Need to Know About Birth Moms on Birth Mother’s Day,”
“As a birth mom of fourteen years myself, there’s no doubt that adoption is a choice that is difficult and selfless. We have made this choice out of love for our child, not out of abandonment. We place the needs of our child before our own wants or desires. Ultimately, birth moms have an amazing way of looking towards the future, and not so much at their past.”
>>>> Watch Callie share more about adoption at the March for Life Conference.
Adoption is a noble and heroic decision. Each year, there are over 18,000 domestic infant adoptions in the United States. Sadly, there are also each year over 1 million abortions in the U.S.
Will you join us in working towards ending abortion and promoting adoption?
This weekend is Birth Mother’s Day on Saturday, May 12. We celebrate all of the birth mothers who have made the courageous decision to choose life and to place their child for adoption. Adoption is a heroic choice and your self-sacrificial love is to be commended and celebrated!
Birth mothers from across the country have joined us by sharing their words of gratitude and encouragement to fellow birth mothers, as well as encouragement to any woman considering adoption.
Watch and share as we honor the life-saving love of birth mothers!
Celebrating adoption and birth-mothers is at the core of “why we march” each January at the March for Life, and throughout the year!
P.S. If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy or are considering adoption, click HERE for more resources.