55 Days of Life: Around the Movement, Saving Lives

What am I thankful for this year? That I have so many good and brilliant allies in the pro-life movement. Here is just a small sampling of some of the great work being done around the country on the pro-life front.
Alliance Defending Freedom and Family Research Council have a new poll out regarding conscience. It found that 59 percent of likely voters “oppose the mandate requiring the coverage of preventive care services for women which includes all FDA approved contraceptives, including drugs that can destroy a human embryo, and sterilization services without a direct cost to the patient.”
National Right to Life has all you need to know on fetal pain
Students for Life is encouraging students to start their own pro-life group on campuses
Another successful 40 Days for Life prayer campaign!
Focus on the Family has a great program encouraging and supporting adoption, check it out here.
Are you a college student and looking to walk across America to educate people on the life issue? Check out Crossroads
New report from the Charlotte Lozier Institute shows growing preference for ethical, non-embryonic stem cell research.
Priests for Life is offering up a “pro-life prayer for Thanksgiving.”
For interesting takes on the culture, both pro-life and pro-death, Jill Stanek’s blog is a must read.