2017 March for Life Media Coverage

Did you know that the March for Life was on the front page of the Washington Post and the New York Times the day after the March for Life this year?
I love how both pictures show the magnitude of the crowd and the joyful youth of the March for Life!
We still have a long way to go for the pro-life cause to be covered fairly, especially the March for Life. But this year, because of our outreach efforts and the visit by the Vice President, we saw some fair and even positive coverage of the March for Life.
>>>> You can check out the full coverage HERE.
The media outreach is no easy task. I can tell you that during the week and month of the March for Life, our leader Jeanne Mancini, is constantly in interviews, sometimes facing hostile reporters.
I’m sure you can agree with me that Jeanne does an amazing and graceful job in communicating the truth about the March for Life and the pro-life cause!
Some might even ask, why do this?
We believe, that no matter the opposition, we must speak with truth and love when sharing the pro-life message. Changing our culture to embrace life, takes time and effort, and we’ve engaged the challenge.
We hope you find the 2017 March for Life media update helpful. We are committed to creating a culture where abortion is unthinkable.