20 Days of Life: Why We March
It’s January, which means it’s a New Year (welcome 2014!), Sancity of Life Month, and just a few weeks from the March for Life. Last year, which marked 40 years of Roe v. Wade, saw an estimated crowd of 650,000 descend upon the Nation’s capital, just as the Marchers above in the 1970s sought to bring attention to the inhumanity of abortion. What other cause has brought steadily growing crowds to Capitol Hill for 40 years?
For many, the trip to Washington, D.C. has become an annual trek. But nothing about the cause is perfunctory. The sanctity of life is under attack each and every day, and approximately three thousand babies are killed in their mother’s womb each and every day in America. May these statisitcs never cease to horrify us – because each statistic is a life – a child with potential, that is irrefutably a distinct human being at the moment of conception.
The mainstream media will most likely continue to ignore us – the March for Life movement and the pro-life generation. But we will not stop speaking out for the greatest human rights injustice of our time. We march to remember – 55 million lives snuffed out by abortion. We march for a culture of life – one that embraces life for the unborn and at every stage of existence. We march for women and families – to embrace those who have suffered physically and emotionally from abortion and are missing a child, grandchild, or sibling. We march for the future – until the human right to life is honored by all and protected in law.
A lot has changed in 40 years though. The power of technology and new media sources have greatly aided the cause of life. ONE person has the power to make a difference. You’ll be hearing a lot more from the March for Life Education and Defense Fund throughout the coming year to equip pro-lifers to do just that. In the meantime, as we count down the days to the 2014 March for Life, we ask that you join in this grassroots, unified movement by being an influence-maker. Whether you are able to travel to D.C. for the event, or will just be supporting us in spirit, share with your networks the reasons “why we march.” On social media, you can join in our #WhyWeMarch campaign. We’d also encourage you to write a blog or op-ed, or create a video on the subject. We’ll post as many submissions as we are able to – be sure to use the hashtag #WhyWeMarch or email us at [email protected].
It’s a new year, with new opportunities to make a difference – whether in the life of one, or many. Join with us in the next few weeks in talking about #WhyWeMarch as we prepare to #MarchforLife. And after the 22nd? Then we’ll talk more about #MarchingOn. Stay tuned!