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I Was An Unplanned Pregnancy


Love Saves Lives Series

Story submitted by Shelley Sprouffske

Catherine was a 35 year old bartender. She was already a single mom. Upon realizing she was pregnant, she chose to work full time through the pregnancy and at 36 weeks, walked into the doctor’s office for the first time. “I’m going to have a baby that you’re going to deliver, and the baby needs a home.”

Upon the birth of that baby, an angel on earth named Linda was there to care for her until the newborn found her forever home.

Linda met Tom and Karol during the transfer of custody. With one day’s notice, they adopted this little girl. They picked up diapers and formula at 7-11 and headed to Bill and Betty’s for a 101 on feeding and changing a baby.

That baby was me.

Karol was pro-choice at the time. Over the years, and after adopting a second child, she realized that women in crisis pregnancies needed more support than was available. She went back to school for her masters in counseling, became a crisis pregnancy counselor and also specialized in post-abortive counseling. My mom helped start and grow The Gabriel Project in Western Washington (through the Archdiocese of Seattle) which gives one-on-one support to women in crisis pregnancies through spiritual, emotional, and material support. If you know of someone who is facing a pregnancy and needs support, their number is 888-926-2643.

I am so grateful for the gift of life from Catherine. For the gift of love from Linda. And for the gift of an amazing mom in Karol, who chose to walk the walk even before she talked the talk.

>>>> To learn more about the 2018 March for Life theme, Love Saves Lives, and to share your story, click HERE.

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