Support Pro-Life HHS Appointees Yoest and Manning
Your voice is urgently needed to support pro-life appointments in the Trump Administration!
Last week, President Trump appointed two pro-life advocates to key positions in the Department of Health and Human Services – Dr. Charmaine Yoest as Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services, and Teresa Manning as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Population Affairs. Both Charmaine and Teresa have worked tirelessly for pro-life and pro-woman policies their entire careers, and now pro-abortion activists are protesting their appointments and pressuring the White House to rescind them.
It’s critical that pro-life Americans raise their voices in support of the appointments of Yoest and Manning.
In the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, many pro-life policy successes have been achieved. Check out March for Life President Jeanne Mancini’s op-ed in Townhall, “Pro-Life Progress During Trump’s First 100 Days.” However, there’s still much work to be done – and your voice is needed!
Urgent support for Yoest and Manning are needed as pro-abortion activists seek to derail these appointments.
Take Action NOW by sending an important message to President Trump and Secretary Price!