What Can You Do Today to March for Life?

Can you believe summer is already here? I love the summer months, and yet always feel a bit anxious at the beginning of the season because I fear that it will fly by too quickly! I need to remind myself to enjoy each day, savor the moments and make the most of these months. How about you?
Do you know what will also fly by? The time leading up to the 2018 March for Life! Today is exactly seven months until the 2018 March for Life, which will be held on Friday, January 19, 2018.
You can even start planning now – first and foremost by marking your calendar!
If you are not already receiving our email updates, the next thing you can do to prepare for the 2018 March for Life is to sign up! In the coming weeks, we will be regularly sending out updates with event details, and you won’t want to miss out on any important announcements!
The March for Life is more than just a one-day event; it is a movement of pro-life awareness and activism. It’s critical that we work each and every day to build a culture of life.
At the 2017 March for Life, we talked about the “power of one” – how every person has the capacity and opportunity to influence our culture for good.
Even during the summer months, there are many ways you can use your gifts and talents for the pro-life cause. Below are a few ideas – but don’t let this limit you!
- Host a pro-life movie night!
- Throw a baby shower for your local pregnancy resource center!
- Contact your lawmakers to urge pro-life protections in health care legislation!
Dig deep and find your “power of one!”