You are the heart of the pro-life movement; the best “ambassadors” for life!
We are so very grateful for your witness and want to do everything possible to support and protect you as you stand for life at the March for Life. Never forget you are a walking testimony for life and the pro-life movement. Your actions are an incredibly powerful declaration about the truth and beauty of life, and the inherent dignity of each human person.
We are proud of your witness and we need you! But, you should be aware that because of your courageous stance for life, you are held very high standards.
Please keep these standards in mind throughout the entirety of your visit to our nation’s capital for the March for Life. You should be guarded and know any moment of your trip could be captured on video. Yet be not afraid! You are doing exactly what you should be doing! We need you, the unborn need you, and the world needs your positive and hopeful witness!
As you prepare to come to the March as an individual, family, or larger group, we hope you will find the following tips helpful. This is a large event in an even larger city so the details matter!
You may find the tips below or download the PDF to print out and distribute to your group as a resource.

· While walking and riding the Metro in D.C., please be respectful of residents and commuters. Let’s show the nation’s capital how passionate, polite, and respectful pro-lifers really are!
· Do not leave trash or signs on the grounds of the National Mall, Supreme Court, or Capitol.
· This is our nation’s capital and we should treat it with dignity and respect. If trash bins are full, please carry your trash or sign with you until you find an available trash bin.
· Do not engage with counter-protestors. If they try to engage you, ignore them as best you can. However, if you are comfortable doing so, use your phone to video the situation. This is for your protection.
· Once again, please be respectful of all people and stay focused on the cause of promoting and celebrating life, lovingly and graciously.