First Annual Pennsylvania March for Life

March for Life Partnered with the Pennsylvania Family Institute Announces

2021 Pennsylvania March for Life

First ever official Pennsylvania March for Life to take place in Harrisburg on September 27, 2021



HARRISBURG, PA – March for Life has partnered with the Pennsylvania Family Institute to organize the first ever official Pennsylvania March for Life on Monday, September 27, 2021, in Harrisburg, PA. On the Pennsylvania House of Representative’s first day back in session, marchers will rally at the steps of the state capitol to call on legislators to protect unborn children.


“We are honored to partner with a leading pro-life organization in the state, Pennsylvania Family Institute, to help inaugurate the first ever Pennsylvania March for Life. The march gives pro-life Pennsylvanians an opportunity to shape local policies by encouraging state legislators to respect the rights of the unborn,”  said Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life Defense and Education Fund. “Every human life should be welcomed and deserves legal protection.”


Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute said, “We’re excited to unite with families and individuals from communities throughout Pennsylvania for an outstanding display of pro-life support at our State Capitol. This is a timely opportunity to unite, educate, and mobilize pro-life Pennsylvanians to influence the public discussion and to send a strong message of support for protecting all innocent human life from conception to natural death.”


The Pennsylvania March for Life will start with a rally at the State Capitol at 11:00 am ET, followed by a march at 12:00 pm ET. More details, including a list of speakers, to be announced soon.


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