INTERVIEW: March for Life Leader Reveals Silver Linings in ‘Snowpocalypse’—and the Future of Pro-Life Advocacy
In an in-depth interview with Bound4LIFE, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini shared her thoughts on the 2016 March for Life, as well as insight into the year-long activities of the organization.
Of note, Mancini had the opportunity to talk about the March for Life’s 2016 theme >>>>
Bound4LIFE: This year’s March for Life theme is “pro-life and pro-woman go hand in hand.” What is the significance of this theme?
Jeanne Mancini: In this current election year, we have heard a lot of statements about the false “war on women.” There has been a lot of messaging about the idea that to be pro-woman, you have to be pro-choice. We argue that nothing could be further from the truth.
Our theme was selected to correct this erroneous messaging which creates confusion in our culture. Being pro-life is wanting what’s best for mom and the baby, and it’s empowering for women. We love them both and, naturally, we wanted to educate about that and to focus attention on those messages.