2019 March for Life: Will You Join Us?


Can you believe it – it’s 6 months until the 2019 March for Life!

Will you join us?

On January 18, 2019 we will gather in Washington, D.C., our nation’s capital, to speak out against the greatest injustice of our time, abortion.

Since the 1973 Supreme Court cases, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, which legalized abortion-on-demand in our country, over 60 million lives have been lost to abortion.

Saving lives, ending abortion, and promoting a culture of life is why we march each year. But we need you to be part of this effort!

You can begin by downloading our 2019 March for Life Trip Planner, and please share it with family and friends. Let’s make the 2019 March for Life the biggest and most impactful one yet.

>>>> Click HERE to download the 2019 March for Life Trip Planner.

Millions of Americans have come together at the March for Life over the years to be educated, equipped, and mobilized to end abortion. And millions more have been reached by our positive pro-life messaging that is shared through media and social media every January.

We hope that you will join us on January 18, 2019 to take a stand for life.

A marcher from this past January said: “It was a beautiful and empowering march. I am so hopeful because there were thousands of like-minded individuals marching to end abortion – an evil responsible for the 1/3 of my generation missing.”

If you’ve never marched before, we hope you will join us next January for this life-changing event. And for all those who have, we ask that you join us again – and bring friends!

We need YOU at the 2019 March for Life so that together, we can achieve a world where the beauty and dignity of every human life are valued and protected.

>>>> Visit our 2019 website for more information!

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