It’s Time to Defund Planned Parenthood


On Tuesday, March for Life President Jeanne Mancini, gathered with other pro-life leaders to urge Congress to take action on defunding the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, and to redirect those funds to life-affirming health care centers.

The press conference was part of Students for Life’s #Sockit2PP, in which they collected 328,348 baby socks, representing the tragic number of babies lost to abortion at Planned Parenthood each year.

You can read Jeanne Mancini’s remarks and watch the video below:

“On behalf of the March for Life and the collectively millions of pro-life Americans that have participated over the years—the large majority young people — we join together today in a united voice, a majority voice that seeks to defend and protect the inherent dignity of every human person. Abortion is the human rights issue of today but Americans are moving in the direction of life. 

Consider a recent poll revealed that eight out of 10 Americans would limit abortion to—at most—the first three months of pregnancy.

And most Americans (six out of 10) believe that abortion is morally wrong. While groups like Planned Parenthood seek to “shout your abortion,” the truth is that abortion always takes a life and wounds another and even the best PR campaign funded by millions of dollars can’t change this reality. 

Planned Parenthood is our nation’s largest abortion provider, sadly committing over 320,000 abortions during the last year that data was available. All the while getting almost half of their more than billion dollar budget from federal and state gov’t grants; from our taxpayer dollars.

Yet the majority of Americans (61 percent) do not support taxpayer funding for abortion.

We are at a critical juncture to send the federal and state dollars that our nation’s largest abortion provider has been receiving to real health alternatives, the kind of holistic health centers that outnumber Planned Parenthood facilities by a margin of 20 – 1.”

WATCH: (Jeanne’s remarks begin at the 22:00 mark.)

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