#StopGovtAbuse Stop Funding Planned Parenthood
In case your home calendar isn’t designed by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) this week is Stop Government Abuse Week in the House. The House will consider another series of measures to stop government abuse and hold the Obama Administration accountable for its executive overreach. Leader Cantor explains it thusly:
“The Obama Administration continues to abuse its power through selective enforcement of the laws and the use of executive actions to bypass Congress. Each day, hard-working, middle class Americans are worried about their jobs, worried about their health care, and worried about whether they will ever be able to get ahead. This month, the House will consider another package of bills to address government abuse that is threatening people’s liberty and their hard-earned paychecks. The House will act to hold the Obama Administration accountable for its continual overreach. The American people expect and deserve better from their government.”
While the bills scheduled to be voted are important in their own right (especially Rep. Camp’s H.R. 3865, Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act of 2014 – more on that later this week.) when it comes to countering the abuse of government happening under the current reign of President Obama the First you would need more than a week of legislation to counter it. Case in point the way the current Administration caters to abortion giant Planned Parenthood and ignores the intent, if not the letter of the law, of the states where Planned Parenthood sells its dangerous wares.
(Thanks to Kellie Feidorek at Americans United for Life for most of these)
- In the summer of 2011, President Obama threatened to pull $4.3 billion in Medicaid funding from Indiana after the state’s legislature voted to prohibit all health care contracts with and grants to any “entity,” including Planned Parenthood that performs abortions or operates a facility where abortions are performed.
- Early Fall of 2011 the Obama administration awarded $1 million in federal tax funds after New Hampshire canceled a $1.8 million contract with Planned Parenthood.
- In March 2012 the Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued a rule excluding abortion providers from participation in the Texas Women’s Health Program (Texas WHP) because it wanted to prioritize funding to organizations that would provide quality, comprehensive health care to low-income women and their families (as opposed to the abortion-centric policies of Planned Parenthood). A federal court ruled that Texas has the right to do this (and private donors jumped in to help the billion dollar Planned Parenthood organization), however the Obama Administration decided to stop sending federal funds to Texas unless Texas chooses Planned Parenthood over women. (NOTE: not surprisingly the sly abortion giant has found a way to still get tax funds from the good citizens of Texas, truth be damned.)
- In July, 2012 the Obama administration’s awarded $3.1 million in federal funds to Planned Parenthood affiliates and other family planning groups in New Jersey.
- Also in July, 2012 the Obama administration overrode North Carolina’s decision to redirect funds away from Planned Parenthood, and directly awarded $426,000 in federal grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates in the state.
Additionally, Obamacare, a top priority for Planned Parenthood, has proven to be the cash cow they hoped it would be. Among the spoils Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius awarded branches of Planned Parenthood in Iowa, Montana and New Hampshire at least $655,000 and gave a $350,000 grant to Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C.
Worse of all? The Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania, which likely knew about the horrors of butcher abortionist Kermit Gosnell, was also awarded taxpayer funds by President Obama.
All of this is occurring in the middle of an ongoing investigation by the Government Accounting Office is investigating into how the country’s largest abortion provider spent millions of taxpayer dollars.
If Congress wants to seriously #StopGovtAbuse it should both stop funding Planned Parenthood completely and also stop overriding state efforts doing the same.