Life begins at fertilization. Thanks, Science!


When you really get down to it, there is only one tenable argument in favor of abortion. The argument is that the unborn are not living human beings, therefore they do not have the rights human beings have, such as the right to life. As a result, abortion should be considered the same as any other medical procedure.

If this argument is correct, pro-lifers ought to pack up our bags and go home. There would be no reason to try preventing abortions if it really is the equivalent to having a tooth removed.

There is just one problem.

None of the scientific evidence about the beginning of life supports the idea that life begins at any other time than fertilization. None.

The more scientists and doctors investigate, the more evidence they find that human life begins when sperm and egg meet and a new cell is formed, in other words, at the moment of fertilization.

To explain this point, we talked with Dr. George Delgado, a leader in abortion pill reversal (APR), and Dr. David Prentice, a world-renown stem cell and genetics expert.

Here’s what they said. . .



More on the scientific support for the pro-life movement:

A Scientific View of When Life Begins | Lozier Institute  

When Human Life Begins | American College of Pediatricians


Join us on January 18th, 2019 in Washington D.C. to march for life! Our 2019 March for Life theme is ‘Unique from Day One: Pro-life is Pro-science.’ As we peacefully protest in the injustice of abortion, we will also celebrate the scientific support for the pro-life movement. We invite you to march with us.

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