Remembering a Pro-life Heroine: Mary Ann St. Cloud

Every January since 1974, thousands upon thousands have made a pilgrimage to Washington D.C., sometimes in the frigid cold, to march against the abhorrent decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, to March for Life.
Our marching and our year-round advocacy for the unborn would not be possible without the generosity of many pro-life people from across the country. As we approach the 2020 March for Life on January 24th, we’d like to recognize a March for Life benefactor whose life testifies to the power of embracing her personal mission in the battle for the right to life for the unborn and compassionate care for women, our friend Mary Ann St. Cloud.
Written below is a short biography of Mary Ann authored by her daughters Mary Pat and Antonia.
We hope her life inspires you to continue fighting for the unborn!
“Mary Ann St Cloud was a lifelong defender of the humanity, rights, and lives of the unborn. Even in her final years and illness her passion for the prolife cause never wavered.
When Mary Ann moved to the Sacramento area in the early 1970’s she and a small group of like-minded women began to meet to strategize ways to fight the pro-abortion laws and culture. Various pro-life groups were in their founding stages at this time. These ladies formed a group called The Committee to Defend the Unborn. They would strategize on how they could be an effective voice. While these ladies were supporters of the early Sacramento Life Center and Sacramento Right to Life they were also their own pro-life voice. Knowing that their state was one of the first to legalize abortion six years before Roe v Wade, they became educated and knowledgeable of the legislative process; they wrote letters to legislators, stayed aware of pending legislation and were a presence at the state capital as bills came forward. They participated in demonstrations to be a presence to the general public. The committee periodically put out a newsletter. An edition always went out during an election season with information about the candidates so voters would be informed. The group also corresponded with local spiritual leaders and pastors to keep the pro-life cause alive in the nearby religious communities. Through all these endeavors Mary Ann was involved from the very beginning and at the forefront. As other pro-life organizations grew and expanded their influence and services, committee members became volunteers for these groups while carrying on their personal missions.

Mary Ann was always proud and forthright about her pro-life support. She was never defensive or apologetic for her views and activism. She instilled this passion in her two daughters who are actively pro-life; including one who has been active for over forty years in a myriad of pro-life activities and is now an officer and board member of the Sacramento Life Center. (The SLC founded in 1972, was the fourth of now 3,000 pregnancy medical clinics established across the country starting as a resource center working out of a member’s home.)
Mary Ann was a great admirer of Nellie Gray. She was impressed with her eloquence, commitment and ability to bring about a national voice for the unborn. She was thrilled with the growth of the March for Life into the remarkable organization that it is today. She appreciated the importance of this national voice and assemblage recognizing the importance of all our communities coming together as one great voice for the defenseless unborn. The National March for Life has a proven record that inspired confidence in Mary Ann. It was no surprise to the family that Mary Ann chose the National March for Life to be a benefactor of her trust.
Mary Ann Taylor was born in Sacramento on July 2, 1932. Mary Ann graduated from St Francis High School and went on to Stanford University where she met Charles Martell. After she graduated, they were married in 1954. Mary Ann was widowed in 1969 and raised her two daughters alone until she remarried in 1979. She passed away on February 18, 2019.”
The pro-life movement continues to save lives because of thousands, like Mary Ann, who confidently say “yes” to their own unique, unrepeatable mission to uphold the inherent dignity of life. Thank you, Mary Ann St. Cloud, for your generosity to the pro-life movement and to the March for Life!