Passage of No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act Wrap Up
This week the House passed the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act by a vote of 227-188..
221 Republicans and 6 Democrats (Cuellar, Lipinski, Matheson, McIntyre, Peterson and Rahall) voted yes
1 Republican (Hanna) and 187 Democrats voted no
1 Republican (Broun) voted present
8 Republicans (Amodei, Campbell, Jones, Miller of FL, Petri, Runyan, Tipton and Westmoreland) and 7 Democrats (Blumenauer, Clay, Hinojosa, McCarthy, Ruppersberger, Rush, and Sanchez) were absent
Video of Speeches by Pro-Life Members on the bill:
Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Part 2, Part 3
Please contact Members to thank them, and Senators to tell them to get taxpayers out of the abortion business.