National Adoption Month

Did you know the month of November is National Adoption Awareness Month?  

At the March for Life, we celebrate the beauty of adoption. Adoption has a critical role in saving lives, creating families, and offering hope to women and parents across the globe. Birth mothers, adoptive parents, and all adopted or waiting-to-be-adopted children are in our prayers in a special way this month.

At our recent 2022 March for Life Theme Debut, a good friend of the March for Life, Ryan Bomberger, reminded us of the depth of sacrificial love inherent in adoption. As one of 10 adopted children in a family of 15, Ryan and the Bomberger family truly embody the spirit of adoption as the loving embrace of life in spite of hardship.

Watch the clip below to hear Ryan’s incredibly touching story.

Participate in National Adoption Awareness Month by sharing pro-adoption resources and by learning about common myths encouraging mothers to abort their children instead of choosing adoption.

Check out these great adoption resources: 

Common adoption myths busted | The Radiance Foundation

Find adoption answers, support, training, or professional resources | National Council for Adoption

The benefits of adoption | Adoption Network

This month and every month, we want to share a word of encouragement to all adoptive parents, birth mothers, and adoptees that play a pivotal role in creating a culture of life in our nation. You help bring about a world where the dignity of every human life is valued and protected.

If you have an adoption story you would like to share, email us at [email protected]. We will give shoutouts on our social media throughout National Adoption Awareness Month!

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