Reflections on Recent Decisions

As we prepare for Independence Day weekend, I want to share with you some of my thoughts on the events that have transpired this past week.
Not all of it has grabbed headlines, but several significant legal and legislative actions took place this week, which will impact the causes of life and freedom of conscience for years to come.
Here’s what happened:
- In a decision striking down parts of Texas’ abortion legislation, HB 2, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that clinics that perform abortions don’t have to follow standard health and safety codes that any other healthcare facility is required to follow.
- By refusing to hear a case about a Washington state pharmacist who objected to prescribing abortion-inducing drugs, the Supreme Court opened the door to pharmacies across the country being forced to provide abortion-inducing drugs and devices regardless of personal or faith-based objections.
>>> Read the March for Life’s full press release reacting to Stormans v. Weisman.
- On Capitol Hill, the Senate Democrats defeated the House-passed Zika Prevention legislation that would have provided emergency funds to prevent the spread of this dangerous virus for women and babies. They objected because only hospitals and community health centers in Puerto Rico would receive funding, not Planned Parenthood.
>>> Read the March for Life’s statement regarding the bill’s defeat.
>>> Read an op-ed about the Zika Prevention bill by our Assistant Director, Bethany Goodman.
The Whole Women’s Health decision threatens other pro-life state legislative initiatives and indicates the hostile territory the Supreme Court has become to the rule of law when it comes to abortion-related decisions.
Furthermore in the Stormans decision, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists shared this dire reflection: “This Court has set the stage for unfettered state coercion; a coercion that extends even to forcing American citizens to have to participate in the killing of other human beings.” In his dissent, Justice Samuel Alito wrote, “If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern.”
This is especially troubling as we prepare to celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s birth. Freedom of conscience, and the protection of life and liberty were paramount to the founding of the United States of America.
While this turn of events is disheartening, we know that there are millions of pro-life Americans who still hold those values dear. Here at the March for Life we are unequivocally committed to protecting life. Furthermore, we must remember that the fight for life is not just a political/legal/legislative battle, but it is more deeply a cultural and spiritual battle. We must remain relentless in praying for a culture of life and working to build a culture where abortion is unthinkable.
We have the truth on our side and we will not back down. We will not stop fighting for what is right for women, babies, and our country.