International Women’s Day: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman
Today is International Women’s Day – will you help us share the message that pro-life IS pro-woman?
It has been said — politically and culturally — that for one to be pro-woman one must be pro-choice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, there are so many confusing messages regarding women and the issue of abortion, compounded by the false “war on women” rhetoric and many of these false messages are being pushed today.
The truth is that life is an empowering choice for women and their developing babies. Abortion harms women and spreads its negative effects on our society in so many ways.
We asked YOU – our social media followers – why you are pro-life and pro-woman, and we were overwhelmed by the response. Thank you for being a voice for women and babies!
@abs0fsteel – I am a feminist that believes that a woman’s rights begin at conception. That HUMAN rights begin at conception.
@kels.nowack – “I am pro-life and pro-woman because I support ALL women, born and unborn. Abortion is emotionally damaging to the mother and fatal to the baby. Women are a gift from God and abortion takes that gift away. A true feminist would not willingly kill other women! That’s why it’s so frustrating that feminism is always connected to pro-abortion beliefs. I DO NOT support abortion, but I DO support women. I feel so blessed to have the example of so many strong women like my mom, teachers, and saints like Teresa of Calcutta. Let’s show our pro-life and pro-woman power!”
@madison.pickering – “I am pro-life AND pro-woman because the only way to move forward in life is to protect even the smallest of unheard voices!”
@maryclairebuchanan – “I am pro-life and pro-woman because abortion exploits women who are born and unborn.”
@jennafifi_music – I am pro-life, and pro-woman because life is precious and the ultimate gift our bodies can give, and because women are strong no matter what the world says. We need to learn about our bodies so we can take care of our bodies.
@1nuttybookworm – “I am a proud pro-life feminist because I believe that the most important human right is the right to life. We cannot rightly claim to support women’s rights and at the same time condone the slaughtering of our youngest females before they even have a chance to take a breath. Being pro-life is also empowering to born women because we support real options. Women CAN get an education, continue their careers, and do so much more without resorting to killing their own children – THAT is true feminism.”
@michellecg23 – “Being adopted has opened my eyes on how second chances do exist. I believe every life is precious and every life should be valued.”
@jessicabrook – “I am a pro-life feminist because every girl deserves a chance to be anything she wants to be in life. She shouldn’t be robbed of that opportunity because of abortion.”
@mama2themacs – “I’m pro-life AND pro-woman because EVERY woman deserves to have her voice heard and her story told.”
@jmtrovato – “Pro-woman includes those women in the womb!” (picture credit to @horacekenneth)
@abbykroetsch – “I’m pro-life because I believe every single baby has a wonderful role in this world. Any one of those beautiful babies could be the next inventor, the person with a cure to cancer or the one to do so many amazing things to help save and help so many people. God takes babies back home by choice but no mother should be able to take a baby’s life by choice…some babies leave us to become angels earlier than others by chance but none should have to do it because of someone else choices. Pro-life is pro-woman!”
Anonymous – “As an adopted child, I am immensely grateful for every day of my life. I recognize that my birth mother could have gotten an abortion and went on with her life, but I am so grateful that she didn’t. It is because of her that I have a chance to live and experience all the beauties of life. I’m unaware of the circumstances of my conception, but regardless, I am glad of my birth mothers choice to let me live, to let me have a better life.”
Gloryanne – “I’m pro-life and pro-woman because all women deserve better than abortion. Our bodies natural abilities to bring forth life is not a curse or something to loathe…. every life is a blessing! Every life has value!”
Jackie – “I am pro-life and pro-woman because if it wasn’t for a woman I never met, I would not have my three wonderful children. She is in my prayers and I will be forever grateful that she did not kill my children before they were born.”
Sarah – “I am pro-life and pro-woman because I was told my child would probably not survive his birth. Three years later he is still here with me. He has the most beautiful smile and touches the lives of everyone he meets. He’s taught me a kind of selfless love I never knew existed. He’s taught me what it means to nurture. He has changed my perspective on what is important in life. I can’t imagine this life without his presence.”
Joely – “I am pro woman and pro-life because I was created by Love to love, to nurture, to respect, to protect, to empathize, to empower, and to never give up on what is right and just.”