6 Ways to Get Ready for the 2019 March for Life!


6 Ways to Get Ready for March for Life 2019

It’s just 6 months until tens of thousands of pro-life Americans will march in our Nation’s Capital!

There are many ways you can support the pro-life movement and get ready for March for Life 2019 on Friday, January 18, 2019 in Washington, D.C.


Here are the top 6 things you can do to get ready:

1. Download the March for Life 2019 Trip Planner

From conferences to rallies, the March for Life is filled with great opportunities to celebrate life, connect with marchers, and learn how to become a more effective pro-life advocate.

It can be hard to keep all of these details straight, especially when you are leading a whole group! That’s why we put all of the information you will need in one place.

>>>> Download our March for Life 2019 Trip Planner for all March for Life related details. 

Still have questions? Connect with other March for Life trip leaders by joining our Trip Planner Facebook group.


2. Give to a local pro-life pregnancy resource center.

The sole focus of pro-life pregnancy centers is to care for parents and their children, particularly when facing an unexpected pregnancy. These centers collectively offer over $100 million every year in free services, ranging from sonograms to baby diapers.

The live-saving work of pregnancy centers relies on the generosity of pro-lifers in their local community.

Go to https://optionline.org/ to find a life-affirming pregnancy clinic in your community.


3. Contact your Senators and tell them to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court

On Monday July 9th, President Trump announced Judge Brett Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court nominee.

As pro-life marchers, we understand the impact of the Supreme Court, and the crucial importance of having justices, like Scalia and Gorsuch, who interpret the Constitution as it was originally written.

>>>> Urge your Senators to give Kavanaugh an open and fair confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Judge Kavanaugh is exceptionally qualified for the role and will no doubt serve as a fair, independent judge who will remain faithful to the Constitution.


4. Comment on HHS Title X Protect Life Rule

The HHS proposed a new Title X Protect Life rule that will stop all Title X funds from going to any institution that performs, advocates, or supports abortion in any way. With this rule in place, Planned Parenthood will lose $40 – $60 million in tax payer dollars every year.

>>>> Share your support for the rule by adding your comments to the Protect Life rule.


5. Thank a Pro-life OBGYN

Hundreds of OBGYNs are standing against the abortion industry and using their voice to protect life.

Take some time to show your support for OBGYN’s who courageously advocate for life.

Send them a card. Give them a phone call. Show these pro-life doctors that their bravery, commitment to life, and hard work is appreciated!

Go to https://aaplog.org/ to find pro-life doctors near you.


6. Share on social media that you march for life

Our movement continues to grow, but we need your voice!

Share our “I march for life” graphic on social media to let your friends and family know that you stand for the right to life. Be sure to include a link to our 2019 website and invite others to march with you.

Thank you for using your voice to defend LIFE.

We’ll see you on January, 18th 2019!


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