Contact Your Legislator

The March for Life Education and Defense Fund calls on its members to reach out to their elected officials concerning life issues. Below are guidelines to follow when writing letters, sending e-mails or making phone calls to your legislators.
Writing a Letter
- Clearly identify what your letter is concerning, and address only one subject or piece of legislation per letter.
- Clearly state what you want the Member of Congress to do (sponsor, oppose, vote for, investigate, etc.)
- Be brief, but give good reasons for your letter or request. Keep your letter to no more than one page.
- Send a thank you letter if appropriate.
Follow these guidelines when addressing your letter:
To a Senator:The Honorable (full name) Dear Senator LAST NAME: |
To a Representative:The Honorable (full name) Dear Representative LAST NAME: |
Sending an E-mail
- The same guidelines apply to e-mails as letters.
- E-mails will reach the recipient more quickly. When writing on time sensitive matters, e-mail may be the best option. Webmail forms can be found on Members of Congress’s individual websites.
Social Media
Find your Senator on Twitter HERE.
Call on the Phone
- Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your Senator’s or Representative’s office.
- Ask to speak to the aide who handles the issue about which you are calling.
- Identify yourself, and leave a brief message clearly stating what you would like the legislator to do.
- Be brief, but give some reasons to back up your position on the issue.
To find contact information for Senators, visit:
For House members, visit: