Building a Culture of Life: Made in His Image, Nashville TN

In an effort to continue building a culture of life year round, the March for Life would like to highlight different groups and organizations that work to build a culture of life in many different ways.
Organization: Made in His Image
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Founder: Maura Byrne
Social Media: Twitter, Facebook
Mission: According to their website, the mission of Made in His Image (MIH) is “To begin a dialogue, a discussion, in a safe and compassionate setting, to foster hope and healing, and to empower women to turn from victim to survivor. Ultimately, to provide holistic medical treatment and healing for women suffering from eating disorders, physical, and or sexual abuse, which entails, educating all women on the nature and dignity of the human person, created in the image and likeness of God.”
Using the teachings of Blessed John Paul II and Theology of the Body, Maura brings to light the dignity of all women and men, who are made in the image and likeness of God. Her outreach is changing lives! MIH’s website features testimonies of women who were victims of abuse, eating disorders, and struggle with their self worth. One woman said “Maura taught me not to dwell in the pain and suffering that I felt everyday but rather to see the little good things in my life every day. I am now beginning to see all of the beautiful things that came about from my suffering.” MIH is offering women hope and healing!
Abortion is one of the many attacks on the dignity of women. MIH believes that, women must be protected from abortion, and the most vulnerable in the womb must be cherished. Around the time of the 2012 presidential election, MIH had s facebook post that explained that Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms, and is responsible for millions of abortions in America. The post caused a bit of controversy among some faithful followers. Maura responded with this blog post:
“If Made in His Image is going to protect victims and survivors of physical and sexual assault then shouldn’t we also be a voice for the most vulnerable human beings on earth – the unborn? We would be contradicting ourselves if we didn’t. I’d give my last drop of blood for an unborn child and Made in His Image joyfully and strongly supports the right to life from conception until natural death.”
MIH deals with difficult issues, always has a positive and encouraging message, and is never condemning. Maura challenges individuals to find hope and healing in Christ and find beauty in everyday life and opportunity.
Maura is engaging the culture through facebook, and other social media outlets. Frequent posts and tweets encourage women and men and educate them in their true dignity. MIH has a vast collection of graphics which feature encouraging and inspirational quotes, and attractive pictures. This beautiful graphic featured on MIH’s facebook page shows that that there have not only been 55 million unique lives lost to abortion, but also 110 million parents wounded by abortion. The numbers of lives which have been negatively affected by Roe v. Wade are astounding, yet groups like MIH are helping to change that by building a culture of life.
Visit MIH’s facebook page and website to see more of these terrific graphics and to learn more about Made in His Image.