Advice for Pro-Life Students and Graduates

Whether you are a student or a recent graduate, there are many ways to contribute to the pro-life movement.
When we look out at our culture, it can be easy to feel alone in our pro-life beliefs – especially on campus. At many colleges and universities, abortion is viewed as a sacred right and at the same time a normal medical procedure.
A new trend on college campuses is vending machines that dispense Plan B, or the so-called morning-after pill, which is an abortion-causing drug and extremely dangerous. It’s in this atmosphere that, as young people, you are called to be a light in the darkness of a very confused culture.
If you have ever attended the March for Life, you know how incredible it is to witness the tens of thousands of people marching alongside you. It’s so inspiring and encouraging to be surrounded by so many passionate and compassionate Americans – most of them young – all committed to the cause of life.
And yet, you do not have to experience the March for Life to know that you are not alone in your beliefs.
When you actually get past the labels of pro-life and pro-choice, which can be very politically charged, there is actually a very strong consensus for life in our country. Eight out of ten Americans believe that there should be strong legal protections for the unborn and that abortion should be limited to the first three months of pregnancy, at least.
That should be extremely encouraging, in regards to the future of pro-life legislation and growing a culture of life in America. Conversations are an incredibly significant way for everyone to invite dialogue about the truth of the unborn and to stay involved in the pro-life mission.
Stay engaged and talk with your friends and fellow students about these issues. Again, once you get past labels and talking points, most people agree with the humanity of an unborn child. They may have certain objections or talking points to throw back at you, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to be the world’s foremost debate expert, but do your best to stay informed and keep up with pro-life resources so you can answer objections and represent your beliefs well (you can stay in touch with the March for Life on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
More importantly, in your conversations and relationships, whether it’s with a close friend, or a classmate who’s an acquaintance – strive to be the person that they would come to if they found themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy. Yes, it’s important to have our pro-life facts and arguments in our back pocket, but it’s infinitely more meaningful to wear our love, compassion, grace, and mercy on our sleeve. You can absolutely change the world if a pregnant friend approaches you and you let her know by your words and actions that she is loved and her baby is loved.
Changing our culture and saving lives is a daunting goal, but it happens person by person, and one saved baby at a time. For example, Students for Life has a great initiative called Pregnant on Campus – familiarize yourself with that and know what resources are available at your school. Additionally, Feminists for Life leads the U.S. Pregnancy Assistance Fund which will, in part, help transform campuses in support of pregnant and parenting students, as well as birth mothers. If the resources in your school are inadequate, why not be the one who spearheads making some changes?
It can be as simple as contacting your local pregnancy resource center (PRC) and learning what resources they have available. And while you’re at it, these PRCs are a wonderful way to be involved in the pro-life movement. They do amazing, life-changing/life-saving work and they are always looking for volunteers.
Finally, do not underestimate the power of staying engaged with your lawmakers, especially at the state and local level. Important pro-life policy changes are happening in state legislatures all across the country. And at the federal level, there is more opportunity to enact pro-life policy changes than ever before, but pro-life Americans, especially young people, must make their voices heard.
Stand firm in your commitment to your pro-life beliefs and know that you are not alone. This is certainly not an exhaustive list of ways to stay involved in pro-life work, but hopefully, it’s a start. To summarize: 1) stay engaged in conversations and relationships, not only when it comes to pro-life policies and ideas, but more importantly, being the person who can support someone during an unplanned pregnancy; 2) Get involved with your local pregnancy resource center, and; 3) stay in touch with your lawmakers to encourage them to pursue and support pro-life solutions.
This year’s March for Life theme, “the power of one,” should be a great inspiration to each of us – one person can make a difference in the world, whether in the life of one person or many. Always remember that we are on the side of truth, and every action, small or large, can make a difference. I hope that you can continue your efforts, and if you ever get discouraged, come join us at the March for Life in January for inspiration.