Three Pro-Life Things You Can Do This Month

After the March for Life, we often hear from participants, “how can I stay involved all year long?”
To help provide suggestions for year-round involvement, each month we will send you three action items that promote a culture of life. Are you up for the challenge?
(Sign up below to get these sent to you each month!)
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March Action Items
March 8th is International Women’s Day – will you help us share the message that pro-life IS pro-woman?
It has been said — politically and culturally — that for one to be pro-woman one must be pro-choice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, there are so many confusing messages regarding women and the issue of abortion, compounded by the false “war on women” rhetoric and many of these false messages are being pushed today.
The truth is that life is the empowering choice for women. Abortion harms women, and affects our society as a whole, in so many ways.
2. Contact your Senators to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court
Judge Gorsuch is a strict constructionist. He also has a record of protecting life and conscience. You can read more about his record HERE from March for Life Action.
Confirmation hearings on Capitol Hill will begin on March 20 and it’s critical that during these days, our Senators hear from America’s pro-life majority. Our country has a pro-life consensus, with 80% favoring real legal limits on abortion. It’s time the Supreme Court reflected that consensus. The confirmation of Judge Gorsuch is the first step in that direction.
3. World Down Syndrome Day
On Tuesday, March 21, join us in participating in World Down Syndrome Day and let the world know that we value our friends, family and neighbors with Down Syndrome – every life is a gift! We will share more resources and educational information throughout the month and on World Down Syndrome Day.
You can start by signing the international petition “Stop Discriminating Down” which petitions the U.N. Human Rights Council to stop systematic prenatal screening programs that target Down syndrome and deliberately encourage abortion as part of public health programs.
There is much work to be done to build a culture of life. Here at the March for Life, we are working each and every day on Capitol Hill, in the media, and on social media to make abortion unthinkable and we are asking you to join us.
Thank you!