Nothing About Abortion is Luxurious
Recently, the Washington Post featured Carafem, a new abortion-pill facility in Montgomery County, Maryland, the suburbs of Washington, D.C.
With its natural wood floors and plush upholstery, Carafem aims to feel more like a spa than a medical clinic. But the slick ads set to go up in Metro stations across the Washington region leave nothing to doubt: “Abortion. Yeah, we do that.”
As a person who regularly comes into contact with women and men who deeply regret their abortions, I was saddened to read about DC’s newest business, a “luxury spa” chemical-abortion clinic in “Yes, they do abortions.” The flippant nature in which this clinic is approaching a deeply personal and unnatural procedure is unsettling and misleading. In the interest of informed consent, the clinic should let the women know that a chemical abortion is even more difficult on women than surgical abortions, physically and psychologically, according to peer-reviewed academic research.
I’ll never forget the conversation I had with the father of a 18 year-old beautiful young woman, Holly, who died as a result of a chemical abortion that was legally administered in a clinic. Americans are increasingly pro-life not because of a bad marketing strategy by the abortion industry, but because of the inherently destructive “product” being sold. An abortion is the furthest thing from a spa treatment as can be imagined.
** For information about the abortion bill reversal, click HERE.