95 Days of Life: Prayer into Action, Mothers into a Home

This term the Supreme Court is getting ready to hear a case, McCullen v. Coakle, which will seek to define if a can state ban pro-life speech outside abortion facilities while allowing pro-abortion speech.   It will be interesting to see the arguments why praying or holding pro-life signs, on public property, are such a threat to abortionists like Planned Parenthood. 


While a later post hopes to highlight 40 Days for Life this post wants to focus on the good works that came from such prayer in a city close to my hometown, Syracuse, NY.   Here is the story from the Syracuse Post Standard.


Kitty Spinelli stood on the sidewalk outside Planned Parenthood Thursday, clutching her silver rosary beads. Every week for four years, that has been her spot. She prays that the women who walk by her will choose to have their babies instead of having abortions.


One day, her prayer became a call to action. She should create another option for the women and babies she prayed for, she said.


“The answer in my heart was you have a home where women go so they can have their children,” Spinelli said.


That was March 19, 2010. The idea of Joseph’s House was born. It will be a place where pregnant women who have no place to live will be able to come, have their babies and stay for up to two years. The home is on track to open in Syracuse in the spring.


And that ladies and gentlemen is the power of prayer that the state of Massachusetts and other pro-abortion folks find so dangerous.


To learn more about pregnancy care centers and how you can help them check out:


Heartbeat International


Focus on the Family’s Heartlink

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