9 Month Challenge – March for Life 2021

In exactly 9 months, January 29, 2021, the pro-life movement will gather once again in our nation’s capital to be a voice for the pre-born.
During these 9 months, over 2,000,000 children will be born in the United States… And over 675,000 pre-born children will lose their lives to abortion.
While it is vitally important to give a collective voice to the unborn at the National March for Life, building a culture of life requires us to speak up and defend the pre-born every single day of the year. We must not forget the lives lost every day to abortion and defend those at risk.
One way you can keep the pre-born in your thoughts and prayers, while learning more about the development of human life, is by taking the March for Life #9MonthChallenge!
9 Month Challenge
How to get started
Download the ‘What to Expect’ Pregnancy App
Set your “due date” for January 29, 2021 – the date of the next National March for Life.
Give your baby a name.
Follow your baby’s growth for the next 9 months by reading and watching the app’s educational information.
If you learn something new from the app, post what you learned on social media using #9MonthChallenge2021
The Final Steps (9-Month Mark):
On your “due date,” the date of the March for Life, January 29, 2021, write a message to the babies who, because of abortion, never made it to their birthday using #9MonthChallenge2021
Make a donation to your local pregnancy resource center. These centers (there are thousands across the U.S.) help women choose life every day by providing resources and support during pregnancy and after the baby is born. You can find a clinic near you at optionline.org.
Taking the 9 Month Challenge is one simple but powerful way to keep the unborn at the forefront of your mind as we prepare to march for life in our nation’s capital in 2021.