8 Ways the Ill-Named HEROES Act Funds Abortion

For the second time in dealing with Coronavirus, Politifact decided that defending Speaker Nancy Pelosi was more important than presenting the facts. Their latest posting unfortunately portrays the March for Life as liars—even though they never took the initiative to ask for information to substantiate our claim that the HEROES Act would help fund abortion. Not only can we confidently support our claim, but we have collected EIGHT different pieces of overwhelming evidence.

March for Life Action took to twitter to stand up to Politifact and present the facts. You can read a break down of the thread below.

While it would be great if Politifact got the record straight, what is really important is that we take a stand to make sure our lawmakers know that pro-life Americans DO NOT support ANY public funding of the abortion industry. Click below to send a message to your elected officials about demanding Hyde protections in funding bills.

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8 Ways the Ill-Named HEROES Act Funds Abortion

1. Division A, Title III—Financial Services and General Government (FSGG)—Coronavirus State Fiscal Relief Fund and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Relief Fund (pgs. 22-33): These two relief funds, lack pro-life protections, appropriates $915 billion.

2. Division A, Title VI—Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education—Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund—Health Care Provider Relief Fund. Division C, Title VI, Subtitle A—Assistance to Providers and Health System—HEALTH CARE PROVIDER RELIEF FUND—SEC. 30611: The bill creates a novel Health Care Provider Relief Fund containing $100 billion that could go to abortion providers. (pg. 570), (pg. 585), (pg. 87).

3. Division B, Title II—Additional Relief for Workers: This division includes expansions of federal subsidies of employer-sponsored health insurance, including plans that cover abortion: Subtitle B— Section 20211 – Tax Credits to Prevent Business Interruption (pg. 236). Subtitle C— Section 20221 – Credits for Paid Sick and Family Leave (pg. 267). Through this credit, taxpayers subsidize the cost of health insurance that may often include elective abortion. This bill extends the tax credit an additional calendar year but does not include any Hyde protections.

4. Division C, Title III—Private Insurance Provisions, Subtitle B—Worker Health Coverage Protection (pg. 402-448): Many employer-sponsored health care plans include elective abortions, but no Hyde protections were applied to ensure that taxpayer dollars would not finance abortion-covering plans.

5. Division I, Small Business Provisions— AMENDMENTS TO THE PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM (beginning pg. 821): The HEROES Act removes the affiliation rule from the PPP allowing the abortion-giant Planned Parenthood access to the funds.

6. Division Q, Title I—Provisions Relating to State, Local, Tribal, and Private Sector Workers (pg. 1527). The bill creates a COVID-19 Heroes Fund that will issue grants for employers to pay individual essential workers $13/hour up to $10,000 above normal employee earnings until 60 days after the last day of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Nothing bars abortion clinic employees from eligibility for this premium pay.

7. The Manager’s Amendment (Title VII—Other Matters, Sec. 30701), — States that, both in this bill and provisions in past COVID-19 relief bills signed into law, no person shall be “excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination… based on any factor … such as… pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions…”. If adopted, this provision could override the Hyde protections that have been included in this bill and in past COVID-19-related legislation: the CARES Act (HR 748), the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (HR 6201), and the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 (HR 6074).

8. The Manager’s Amendment — Also contains two provisions (SEC. 30307 and SEC. 30308) that provide funding to group health insurance plans. Neither provision includes any Hyde protection language to ensure taxpayer dollars do not fund health plans that include elective abortion.

We will continue to provide you with this important pro-life information, but we need your help to make sure our elected officials hear from you to really make a difference!

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