25 Days of Life: Pro-life 101
It is the end of the year, the traditional time for journalistic laziness lists. Here at March for Life our full name is the March for Life Education and Defense Fund – and as part of the edumacation side of things we have tried to talk about the basics on various pro-life issues and organizations. Our ultimate goal, educate everyone enough in the basics so they can hold their own with family members and friends who might not know all the facts.
As a reminder, here is a list of some of those posts:
Why a Wednesday?
The Good Book on Life
Should Pro-lifers care about nominations? Personnel is policy
What is the Mexico City Policy?
What are pro-life riders?
What is UNFPA and Should Taxpayers Fund It?
What is Post-Abortive Ministry?
What are conscience protections?
Is Abortion Health Care?
Are Twins Clones?
What to do with a bored Member of Congress?
Planned Parenthood – Harmful to Children
40 Days FOR Life
Family Policy Institute of Washington