15 Days of Life: Know Your Plaintiffs – Dr. James Dobson and Family Talk

In light of the Obama Administration arguing that even Catholic nuns are not religious enough to be granted an exception to their anti-conscience mandate it seems more and more that the solution lies with the U.S. Supreme Court as well as the U.S. Congress.  As the cases continue we will continue to highlight some of the plaintiffs fighting for their religious liberty.

Dr. James Dobson provides sound biblical advice on Christian marriages, families and parenting through the ministry of Family Talk’s radio program.   To reduce Dr. Dobson to one organization though does him a disservice, as in his work with multiple family organizations he has had more impact on the social conservative movement in the United States than any other leader.  In 1977 he founded Focus on the Family and from that perch helped create other organizations such as Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Research Council.   Dr. Dobson and his equally devout wife, Shirley, have two children, Danae and Ryan.  Ryan Dobson (born in California in 1970), who graduated from Biola University in La Mirada, California, is a public speaker, specializing on issues relating to youth and the pro-life movement. He was adopted by the Dobsons and is an ardent supporter of adoption, especially adoption of troubled children.   Both Dr. Dobson and his son Ryan are featured speakers at the 2014 March for Life.

Without a doubt Dr. Dobson has lived his life adhering to biblical standards, and expected the same from the organizations he was associated with.  Dr. James Dobson and his ministry, Family Talk, filed a lawsuit in December 2013 in the U.S. District Court in Denver challenging the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate. The lawsuit, brought by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP, asks the court to invalidate the requirement that Family Talk cause its third party administrator to provide abortion-inducing drugs and devices to Family Talk employees.  From the press release:

“We believe that every human life, from the moment of conception, is sacred and a gift from God, and we cannot cooperate with this immoral mandate without violating our most deeply held religious beliefs,” said Dr. Dobson, Family Talk’s founder and president.

As a Christian ministry, Family Talk’s self-insured health plan excludes coverage of abortion-inducing drugs and devices. If Family Talk does not comply with the mandate’s requirements by May 1, 2014, it will be subject to fines up to $36,500 per employee annually. 

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