March for Life Conference Details Announced

Category: Media Center
By: Scott Zipperle
Posted on: December 30, 2015

March for Life Conference Details Announced

December 16, 2015
CONTACT: Ryan Hughes
Shirley & Banister Public Affairs

[email protected]

March for Life Announces Details for Conference on January 21, 2016

Washington, D.C – The March for Life Education and Defense Fund has announced details for its annual March for Life Conference to accompany the March For Life 2016 Rally this January. The March for Life Conference is designed to provide marchers with in-depth education on the yearly theme. The speakers and training sessions will provide information and training tools for marchers to go back to their communities equipped to make a difference for life in their communities. A continental breakfast will be served.

March for Life Conference
Thursday, January 21, 2016 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
Renaissance Washington DC Downtown Hotel
999 Ninth Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20001

9:00 a.m. Keynote Session
“Why the Pro-Life Movement Is the Authentic Women’s Movement,” Sue Ellen Browder

10:00 a.m. Panel Discussion
This panel will include three pro-life female leaders giving brief remarks and then delving into the tough questions related to being a woman and being pro-life in today’s world.

11:00 a.m. Advocacy Training
Capitol Hill 101, an orientation designed to equip marchers to meet with their Members of Congress during their March for Life trip to advocate for the sanctity of life.

The March for Life Education and Defense Fund has launched several new digital tools for the 2016 March for Life – the March for Life Movement Map, a Trip Finder, and the March for Life mobile app. The Map, debuted on December 4th, seven weeks prior to the 2016 event, shows the nationwide support for the March for Life, and allows marchers to share their participation on social media networks. The Trip Finder allows interested marchers to connect with trips from their local area, and the updated March for Life app, available on iTunes and Google Play, is an all-inclusive tool for March for Life planning, participation, as well as pro-life resources.

The March for Life in Washington, D.C., began as a small demonstration on January 22, 1974, the first anniversary of the now-infamous Supreme Court decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton and rapidly grew to be the largest pro-life event in the world. The peaceful demonstration that has followed on this somber anniversary every year since is a witness to the truth concerning the greatest human rights violation of our time, abortion.

Jeanne Mancini, President of March for Life Education and Defense Fund, is available for interviews. For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Ryan Hughes at [email protected] or (703) 739-5920.


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